Born into this world July 21, 2009; weighing 9lbs 11oz measuring 22 inches long meet:
Gabriel Ryan Egbert...
Gabriel Ryan Egbert...
Mom and baby are doing well despite the traumatic ushering in to the world of a toddler...haha
I think I'd have to be induced a month early to get an average sized child.
Wow he looks just like an Egbert! He's gorgeous! I'm glad you are ok and he is healthy and fine. I'd say the bigger the better! It just means they are healthy. You do good work! Call me sometime.
Congrats!! He's absolutely perfect...hope you are recovering well after a 9 pounder! You're a trooper!
Congratulations! He's lovely :)
Congratulations! I just refound your blog, I don't know why it wasn't on my blog reader in the first place because I used to read it.
Anyway, I had no idea you were even pregnant and now you've got a fourth. Congrats again!
Wow, 9lbs 11oz - and I thought Rome was huge at 9lbs 9oz.
Way to go!
luvs, aby
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