Monday, January 28, 2008

Pool Party?

What do you get when 3 families with little children get together for a Holiday weekend?
Well, the bath started out with my children. Then all the other kids wanted to join in! 
7 kids in all!
That was the quickest "get'em washed and get'em out" bath time I've ever done!  

Once there was a Snowman!

Every Monday night we have Family Night. We sing, pray, read from the scriptures and have a spur of the moment lesson on whatever topic seems to come to our mind (some may call that lack of planning. Well, I like to call it letting the spirit guide us! :)) Anyway, the highlight of the night is singing songs. The kids love the song, "Once There Was a Snowman." Without fail, we sing that song every Family Night, several times. But it's oh-so-cute to watch!! So, we had to video record it for memories sake.   That means, now everyone gets to join in!

Video of Adam blowing out candles!

Adam blowing out the lighter before we could even light the candles was too much. So we had to get it on video! He had everyone laughing. We thought maybe we'd have to sing Happy Birthday in fast-forward to get the whole song in before he blew out the candles.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Adam's 2nd B-Day

Adam's B-day was on Thanksgiving.
Did you notice that his "cake" is a roll?
With all the pies, we decided not to make a cake.
Adam didn't care(he didn't know better) but the older
children sure thought he needed one.Adam loved blowing out the candles!
He would blow the lighter out before we could even light the candles!
It was the funniest thing! We didn't even know that he knew anything
about blowing out candles.


Fun in the leaves!
(Adam was sleeping)

Friday, January 18, 2008


I'm so happy! I even sleep with them on!
(Well if it's not my skates then it's brother's Ski boots) 
By the way, I'm wearing 3-4 shorts of Ethan and Sierra's!

Brudder's Skates!

My Skates and the drawer I love to empty!
I can't be happier!

Oh Wait! I can be happier! Skates, naked, and by the fridge eating!!

Last but not least...skating naked with 'Ditter!

My new hairdo!

Kate, yours is definitely cute, but mine...well, at least it was done with love!

This is how Ethan and Sierra passed the time during family scripture study before bed. We're reading the Old Testament(we're in Numbers)!! 'Nough said! 

Without Kate around they are my next best choice when I need my hair done. We all know that I'm hairdo illiterate! 

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Adam's 2nd Birthday

A week prior to Adam's B-Day Adam got to open a present from G-ma Ree. Why? Well, let me tell you. I was in the shower one morning when Ethan comes bursting in, "Mom! Adam climbed on top of the couch and got his present down. He's going to open it!" Luckily I was done showering so I ran downstairs and proceeded to take the present away, explaining that his birthday wasn't until next week. Yah, I know! Empty words to a toddler. He must have sensed from the start that there were roller blades in that package(he's obsessively been wearing Ethan's rollerblades for weeks). He didn't even know it was his, let alone that he was having a birthday in a week! Anyway, of course he cried and cried and cried! It was more than I could bare (or wanted to at least). So I said he could open it. (Great! Just gave into his crying for something. No wonder I feel like I'm losing the battle sometimes!) Before I gave it back I had to get the camera. After I gave him his present he was so happy and laughing. That's this picture you're looking at. If you click on it you can see the tears on his face! 

The minute he saw the skates he was ecstatic! "Skates! Skates!"

Here's he asking me to help him put them on. 
The minute I got them out of the box he had his shoes off!! Ready for the skates!

Happy Adam with his new Rollerblades!

Stay tuned for more rollerblading pictures. The next post will make you laugh! (I just don't have time to post it now)

Ethan Snowboarding 1st time

Last night we got a couple inches of snow. This morning when I went outside to see what he was up to this is what I found:
Ethan tried out snowboarding for the first time today. He did surprisingly well! So proud! He says that he's ready for a mountain now...well, at least he wants to try it. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

More to Come

Sorry everyone! I promise I'll post something...eventually. Hopefully even with pictures! Just not enough hours in the day!!