A week prior to Adam's B-Day Adam got to open a present from G-ma Ree. Why? Well, let me tell you. I was in the shower one morning when Ethan comes bursting in, "Mom! Adam climbed on top of the couch and got his present down. He's going to open it!" Luckily I was done showering so I ran downstairs and proceeded to take the present away, explaining that his birthday wasn't until next week. Yah, I know! Empty words to a toddler. He must have sensed from the start that there were roller blades in that package(he's obsessively been wearing Ethan's rollerblades for weeks). He didn't even know it was his, let alone that he was having a birthday in a week! Anyway, of course he cried and cried and cried! It was more than I could bare (or wanted to at least). So I said he could open it. (Great! Just gave into his crying for something. No wonder I feel like I'm losing the battle sometimes!) Before I gave it back I had to get the camera. After I gave him his present he was so happy and laughing. That's this picture you're looking at. If you click on it you can see the tears on his face!
The minute he saw the skates he was ecstatic! "Skates! Skates!"
Here's he asking me to help him put them on.
The minute I got them out of the box he had his shoes off!! Ready for the skates!
Happy Adam with his new Rollerblades!
Stay tuned for more rollerblading pictures. The next post will make you laugh! (I just don't have time to post it now)